GET Get Users{username}

Retrieve information for a specified user of for a list of users matching query

Users can always view details about themselves, but can only view details of other users if a special permission is set.

// Request

Empty request

Authorization header should be included in case of basic authentication

// Path Parameters

username - full username (URL encoded) in a username@domain format. Wildcards are not supported. Optional value, if omitted, all accessible users will be returned (filtered according to request parameters).

// Query Parameters 

The following parameters are supported to filter and limit users:

limit (optional) - maximum number of users to be returned. Maximum possible value is server-configured; if a larger value is specified, the maximum value is used.
start-from (optional) - indicates the starting index of a user in a response to return. Default value is 0. To use paging set the limit and start-from parameters. Ex. for the limit=10&start-from=100 query the results page will contain users from 101st to 110th.
last-updated-from - time of last user's update in UTC since which to include users. Inclusive. See Dates & Times.
last-updated-to - time of last user's update in UTC till which to include users. By default current timestamp is assumed. See Dates & Times.

// Response

A list of user details that match the request

The ETag header is sent only if a single user is requested.

// Errors

Common errors

API is not permitted for the user

Status code: 404 Not Found
Error code: 2
Description: Entity not found at server
Request URI is malformed (cannot be matched with query criteria)

Status code: 400 Bad Request
Error code: 31
Description: Malformed query URI
Request URI is malformed (request parameters are incorrect; limit or start-from are negative)

Status code: 400 Bad Request
Error code: 32
Description: Incorrect request parameters (<request parameter that was incorrect>)

Last updated