
number Order Id

This value is assigned when an order is initially placed and does not change when an order is replaced or cancelled.

string Order Code

This value is assigned when an order is initially placed and does not change when an order is replaced or cancelled.

number Version

Numeric version of the account to which last update of this order is related. Client can use this value to find out which of the updates is more recent (its version is greater).

string Order Type

Possible values:



  • STOP

string TIF

One of:

  • GTC (Markets, Limits, Stops)

  • DAY (Limits, Stops)

  • GTD (Limits, Stops, in this case the expireDate field will be present)

number Price Offset

Price offset for protection orders. When parent order is triggered, either stop or limit price of protection order will be taken from parent trigger order's fill price with price offset. If this value is not null, the priceLink field must be present.

Price link for protection orders. Possible values:

  • TRIGGERED_STOP - stop price of the order will be taken from parent trigger order's fill price

  • TRIGGERED_LIMIT - limit price of the order will be taken from parent trigger order's fill price

date Expiration Date

Order expiration date in UTC. Must be present if the tif field is GTD. Otherwise, must be omitted.

Absent if the order is not a part of a group. Links are calculated only for the 'list-open-orders' request.


List of all executions for this order. This includes order status changes, replaces, cancels and trades. Reports are ordered chronologically.

Last updated