Single Order Request
Unique order code that identifies the order on an account
String, required
Order type
String, required
Symbol of the instrument
String, required
Initial quantity of the order in units (not in lots)
The effect of this order on a position
String, optional
ID of a position that should be modified by this order
String, optional
Order operation
String, required
Limit order price per unit of quantity. (use stopPrice for stop orders). Should be absent for Market and Stop orders
Stop order price per unit of quantity. (use limitPrice for limit orders). Should be absent for Market and Limit orders
Price offset for protection orders
Price link for protection orders
String, optional
Time in force (expiration time for the order)
String, optional
Order expiration date in UTC
string Order Code
Order code for new orders is the unique id assigned by the client. The id is expected to be unique among all orders on an account. See Client-originated Identifiers. For modify order requests the order code can be either a client order id (as assigned by the client during order placement) or an internal code assigned by the system ("action key" of the order chain).
string Order Type
Possible values:
Order type cannot be changed after the order is issued. The value must be omitted in ‘Replace’ requests except group requests, which may contain new orders in Replace requests.
string Instrument
Instrument cannot be changed after the order is issued. In 'Modify' requests instrument must be the same as in original order.
number Quantity
Must be omitted or be zero for a ‘closing’ order linked to a position. In this case the positionCode field must be present and positionEffect should be set to ‘Close’. In this case quantity of the order will equal to the quantity of the position.
string Position Effect
Indicates whether the resulting position after a trade should be a new position or the trade should close an existing position. Required for position-based trading. If the value is ‘Close’, the positionCode field must be present.
Possible values:
string Position Code
ID of a position that should be modified by this order. Used for position based trading. Must be present when positionEffect is ‘Close’ and omitted otherwise.
string Side
Possible values are :
number Price Offset
Price offset for protection orders. When parent order is triggered, either stop or limit price of protection order will be taken from parent trigger order's fill price with price offset. If this value is not null, the priceLink field must be present.
string Price Link
Price link for protection orders. Possible values:
- stop price of the order will be taken from parent trigger order's fill priceTRIGGERED_LIMIT
- limit price of the order will be taken from parent trigger order's fill price
string TIF
Time in force (expiration time for the order). One of:
(Markets, Limits, Stops)DAY
(Limits, Stops)GTD
(Limits, Stops, requires the expireDate field)
Default value depends on the platform configuration.
date Expiration Date
Order expiration date in UTC. Must be present if the tif field is GTD. Otherwise, must be omitted.
Last updated