5.2 Creating event markers

Event markers are created against specific date/times, and drawn at the bottom of the chart. They are automatically stacked if there is more than one marker for each bar.

(Event markers are intended for things such as calendar events, which apply to a bar as a whole. To draw a marker against both a date/time and also a specific price, use a barMarker drawing.)

An event marker can have the following properties:

You create markers by passing an individual marker definition, or an array of definitions, to UDI.createEventMarker(). If you are creating several markers at once, it is far more efficient to pass an array than to make multiple calls to UDI.createEventMarker(). For example:

	{date: data.barData.date[i], color: "red", icon: "f0ab", text: "My marker 1"},
	{date: data.barData.date[i], color: "green", icon: "f0aa", text: "My marker 2"}

You can remove all your event markers from the chart using UDI.removeAllEventMarkers().

You can also remove individual markers (rather than removing everything and re-creating different ones). The UDI.createEventMarker() function can be given an optional callback function which receives, asynchronously, an array of the markers which have been created. For example:

	{date: data.barData.date[i], color: "red", icon: "f0ab", text: "My marker 1"},
	{date: data.barData.date[i], color: "green", icon: "f0aa", text: "My marker 2"}
], function (asyncResponse) {
	// The IDs of the two markers will be contained in asyncResponse.markerId[]
	UDI.storeMyUpMarker = asyncResponse.markerId[0];
	UDI.storeMyDownMarker = asyncResponse.markerId[0];

When you have obtained the IDs using the asynchronous callback, you can then remove an individual marker by passing its ID to UDI.removeEventMarker().

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