Widget HTML and CSS reference

The section is only applicable to widgets, and describes standard HTML and CSS configuration in a widget's web page. It does not apply to scripts and UDIXes, which have no web page.

Standard behaviour is for a widget to include both the framework's Javascript and its CSS (in the page's <head>). Doing this means that the widget will automatically participate in the user's selected graphical theme for the software. The widget will inherit standard background and text colours, including live changes if the user selects a different theme.

However, this is not compulsory. A widget is free to ignore or override the framework's CSS, and use its own design.

6.1 CSS reference

The best and simplest reference to the framework's CSS is the Developer Console of your web browser. This will show you the CSS variables which the framework declares (at :root level), such as --clr-text and --font-size-base.

The following sections contain some explanatory notes about the standard CSS, not a full itemisation of its variables and classes.

6.1.1 Body classes

The framework sets some standard classes on the widget's <body> which may be useful as selectors in your own CSS (for example, changing some colours of your own based on BODY.Theme_light):

6.1.2 Right-to-left reading order

The framework provides some helper CSS classes for handling reading order. The following classes invert, between left and right, if the user's selected language is right-to-left. For example, the definition of TEXTL becomes {text-align: right}.

6.1.3 Button CSS classes

There are some standard CSS classes for buttons. Note: in some future graphical themes of the software, the colour might maintain the general connotations of the class/type but not match the actual colour name.

6.1.4 FontAwesome icons

The framework automatically includes the Font Awesome icons (v6), but does not include the standard Font Awesome CSS. The icons are imported into the framework's CSS as font-family:FontAwesome, and the framework's CSS includes a .FA class whose definition is {font-family:FontAwesome}. For example:

<!-- Display FontAwesome icon, inline, using the hex code in the form &#xAAAA; -->

<span class="FA">&#xf058;</span>

Or, using CSS to declare a class which displays an icon using :after:

.tickicon {

font-family: FontAwesome;


.tickicon:after {

content: "\f058";


6.2 Standard HTML structure

Sway Charts Pro's built-in widgets have little standard HTML structure because they display such a wide variety of information and functionality.

6.2.1 Standard dialog structure

There is a standard HTML structure for dialogs, potentially relevant if your widget is displaying itself as its own dialog.

<div class="DialogStructure">

<div class="DialogTitle"></div>

<div class="DialogContent DialogContentIndent"></div>

<div class="DialogFooter"></div>


The DialogContent automatically expands and shrinks to fill the available space, and with overflow:auto. It is not compulsory for a dialog to have a title and/or footer. These elements can be omitted.

You may want to re-use the DialogStructure for things which are not dialogs. If a widget is not being displayed as a dialog, then the framework's standard CSS automatically hides the DialogTitle. You can force it to be visible by adding DialogTitleAlways: class="DialogTitle DialogTitleAlways".

Adding the class DialogTitleMini to the title reduces the font size and height of the title.

6.3 Pop-up menus

The framework provides a standard mechanism for displaying pop-up menus. This has three advantages over a widget implementing its own menu HTML:

· Standard look and feel with Sway Charts Pro's built-in widgets

· On small screens such as mobile phones, the framework automatically converts menus into a full-screen dialog (the MenuListDialog).

· The framework's menus can extend outside the boundary of a widget's frame. If your widget is in a small frame, such as a small segment of a multi-widget layout in the Sway Charts Pro page container, any menu which the widget displays itself will be confined to its small frame.

A widget can display a pop-up menu using Framework.CreatePopupMenu(). This takes three parameters:

For example:

// Add a click handler on someButton which displays a menu next to it

someButton.addEventListener("click", function(event) {

var menuDef = { … some menu definition … };

Framework.CreatePopupMenu(menuDef, event, function(Msg) {

// Receives the asynchronous result of the menu



The definition of a menu is the same as for Framework.MenuListDialog(), and described in detail in that section. The menu should have a title (only used on small screens when converted into a MenuListDialog), and an array of items[]. Each item can have an icon, custom colours, an array of sub-items etc.

The asynchronous callback function receives the user's selection from the menu, or cancellation. If there was a selection, then the Msg will contain an itemData which is simply the selected entry from the items[] array. For example:

Framework.CreatePopupMenu(menuDef, event, function(Msg) {

if (Msg.itemData) {

// User made a selection, and the original object from items[]

// is in Msg.itemData

} else {

// User dismissed the menu without making a selection



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